College Student Services In order to ensure the total development of Assumption students, the College provides and implements student personnel services which promote growth of persons-in-community, develop leaders, and foster an environment of mutual trust and...
Student Life Guidance The Guidance Program aims to serve the needs of individual students in terms of holistic growth and development. It is designated to assist the student in adapting to life challenges, decision making and developing a sense of service so that in...
Student Life Student Activity Center Complementing the Academic Program are different programs for students coordinated by the Office of Student Affairs. These cover both extracurricular activities through the Assumption Student Council and Student Organizations as...
Student Life Student Council The Assumption Student Council (ASC) is the official student government of the Assumption College. It is an autonomous body, and the unified and democratic representative of the student body. The ASC is composed of the Assumption Executive...
Student Life Student Organizations & Associations The STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS are learning extensions, venues for practical application of theories learned in the classroom. They are not only co-curricular in nature but are oriented towards service...
Student Life Athletic Varsity Team The Higher Education Division offers the field of Athletic Varsity Team which opens doors to students who exhibit their unique excellence through sports. The College division has a total of seven (7) varsity teams namely Badminton,...
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